Friday 2 August 2013

In A Bit Of A Fog

I have been lost in a daze these last few days what with strong pain killer and antibiotics. I'm afraid I have no concentration and any kind of post will have to wait.

I know I owe you wonderful people several, and I will get to them, I promise, but even this is kind of like feeling like I am swimming underwater..

I will be fine in a couple days I am sure.  Do have a wonderful weekend.

xxx amber


  1. I hope you feel better soon~!
    Be sure to receive many spankings to alleviate that pain, yes? Fight fire with fire~?
    When I feel dazed or pained I find sleep and laughter the best medicine. Perhaps a nice tumble in bed to exhaust you with a ticklefest in the morning? Although, might it be too painful for you do to either? :(

  2. Just rest and get better Amber. We miss you.

    Janice xx

  3. Thanks Neri and Janice :)

    I have indeed spent a long long time asleep these past days. But, hopefully all better :)
